Fallout 3 enhanced weather
Fallout 3 enhanced weather

fallout 3 enhanced weather

Ultimately, it comes down to your ideas of how post-apocalyptia would look, and thankfully, with Fallout 3 being so moddable you have a choice. While in stark contrast (and as a prime example), I myself have just finished running around the exclusion zone in Stalker (Call of Pripyat). You can see it in their screenshots - green trees, bright clear sunny skies, beautiful characters, etc. Users of Fellout would appear to have been players of other bethesda games (Oblivion, etc).

fallout 3 enhanced weather

It seems to me though, that users of either mod come from different gaming backgrounds. Fellout, RH IronSights, Enhanced Weather and a bunch of other smaller mods. uh, me!) which is encouraging but you only need to go over to the nexus to see which has the more votes/downloads (even then, Fellout has been out a considerably longer amount of time than Dynamic Weather). Cubits Fallout 3 HD Graphical and Environmental Enhancement Mod List v3. The way I'm reading that poll, is as some kind of support for the underdog (ie. Well, I think this thread would have worked better without the poll, to be honest, because a lot of people have viewed, some people have voted and even less have left their views on "which is better".

Fallout 3 enhanced weather